Frequently Asked Questions

Design Assistance

How do I design custom products?

You can see a list of design specifications for our most commonly ordered custom products on our Design Specs page. If you can't find the product you want here, call our customer service team at 800.869.7562 and one of our team members will help get you started on your custom product creation.

What software formats do you accept?

Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Acrobat PDF. If you supply a layout, please include the fonts used. If fonts are not submitted, we might have to substitute similar ones.

What image formats do you accept?

TIFF (preferred,) EPS, JPEG (choose maximum quality settings and largest file size,) PSD and PNG.

What should my image resolution be?

For maximum image clarity, we recommend an image resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch.) Images with lower resolution can be accepted, but this may result in an image that is blurry or jagged when printed.

What about my logo resolution?

We recommend vector Adobe Illustrator AI or EPS files, TIFF and JPEG formats require a minimum image resolution of 350 dpi. Sometimes a PDF contains a vector logo, so we happily accept those, too, if an AI or EPS isn't available.

What's up with the color black?

All colors are not created equal. Black, for example, can look weak – more like a dark gray – when it's used against other bright colors. Therefore, it's best to add some other color support to it. We recommend using 30C 30M 20Y 100K as a rich black for large areas where you want black. You should NEVER use the color "Registration" that appears in most graphic design software; it's intended only for crop and registration marks. If you use it in your design, bad things are very likely to happen... just trust us on this!

Do you have any really cool layouts? What background options do I have?

If you don't have a professional designer on your team, but want something special, no worries! We've put together a selection of layouts that seem to work for many real estate professionals here on our Billboard Personalization page. Just reference the layout codes and a designer will make it just for you!

Will my colors change in the final product?

It's possible. Due to the nature of four-color printing, we cannot print every color you see on your computer screen. Also, because of the widely varying results from different output devices, there is no guarantee that your finished piece will match your printed sample.

For a precise match, please contact us to obtain a digital color proof. Once you provide us with a hard copy of the color target and approve the additional fees (starting at $100,) we'll send you a paper proof. Once your printed proof is returned to us, we'll strive to match the color of that proof when printing your order. If more changes are needed, a new proof and additional color correction fees will be required.